Sunday, May 27, 2012

Multi-Genre Synthesis on World Literatures

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John Fang
World Literature B
May 25 2012
Multi-Genre Synthesis on World Literatures
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Table of Contents
Contents                                                                                                           Page #
Title Page………………………………………………………………………1
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………2
Preface………………………………………………………………………… 3
Siddhartha Poem……………………………………………………………….5
Letter Oedipus to Tiresias………………………..……………………………7
Letter Maria to Meursault...……………………………………………………8
                    Siddhartha’s Journey
            Synthesis Essay……………………………………………………………….10
            Synthesis Essay……………………………………………………………….11
            Synthesis Essay……………………………………………………………….12
Work sites……………………………………………………………………..13
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            The Multi-Genre Synthesis project I choose poem, letter, map, and postcard these 4 genres to show and present to you, and I had chose 5 stories which are Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, The Inferno, by Dante Alighieri, The Tempest, and Oedipus Rex by William Shakespeare, and lastly The Stranger by Albert Camus. The first one is poem I choose poem because I think it is not very difficult to write a poem. Even though it might hard sometimes to understand the poem, but I make it very easy for you guys to understand my poem. This poem mostly is about the story of Siddhartha, his journey, and his life.
The second is postcard, this postcard is about Prospero writes postcard to Miranda, and about how is Miranda because Miranda was married to Ferdinand and they both were live in Milan which far away from where Prospero live on island. Prospero was live on island alone and he didn’t see Miranda so long that’s why he wanted to write a postcard to say hi and ask how is she, because he miss Miranda.
The third one is letter I write two letters one is about Oedipus wrote letter to soothsayer that what soothsayer said was not true Oedipus didn’t believed on him about Oedipus’s father dead. Oedipus thinks that soothsayer wanted to take over my throne that’s why Oedipus wrote letter to him. Because he wanted to scold on soothsayer about what he said on Oedipus’s father.
The second letter is about Maria wrote letter to Meursault. Meursault went into jail because he killed the Arabs, so court decided that he had to go into jail. Maria wrote this letter while her husband was in the jail, Maria miss him so much and want to know how is his life during in the jail. And sometimes Maria visited to see her husband, Meursault. Maria was waiting her husband to come out from jail, but she also don’t sure that Meursault was happy or not, because Meursault was a person that mostly doesn’t care other people much, don’t even himself.
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Lastly, I had draw a map about Siddhartha’s adventure, and how was his life. In this map was show where he had travel to, and met who. Siddhartha had met Gautama, or the other word was Buddha. Siddhartha didn’t follow Buddha, because he wants to follow his own path, and find his enlightenment by himself not like his friend Govinda who follow Buddha and don’t have his own path. Siddhartha had leaved his family and his hometown Brahmin and went out with Samanas. Siddhartha’s life had met so many things you can see on this map and poem.
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 Siddhartha - Journey
Since I left home and my family
I don’t want to look back and feel guilty
During the extraordinary adventure
I might see some future
The Buddha who was enlightened
But for me I don’t have that passion
So I go on with my way
While my friend Govinda want to stay
I had met Kamala who helps me
She was a nice beautiful lady
Kamala who help me and teach
I had learn a lot of thing and bring me to the reach
The business was so easy for me to do
For me I’ll be rich as a millionaire too
But that is not my types
I still go on and follow what I like
Suddenly I stop at riverside
And look down and see the right
Finally, I found the right of my way
So I enlighten here like this and always
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Letter Oedipus to Tiresias
May 25, 2012
     Dear, Tiresias
         Hey, Tiresias you was talking about my father, and said that I am the one who will kill my own father? Are you serious? He is my father I will never do that to my own father. Do not ever tell me about this again, Tiresias I don’t believe you anymore, you’re not a soothsayer. Not only this you also tell me that I will marry to my own mother? You are really such a liar; I will never ever do that to my mother too. They are my parents and they are part of our family and I love them so much. Do not say that again or else I will send my army to catch you and bring into jail. I love my parents, I love my family.
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Letter Maria to Meursault
May 25, 2012

Dear, Meursault
         Hey, how is your life in there I really miss you so much. I can’t wait to see you come out from jail. I will be waiting for you. I know is terrible to be in there, jail, but I really don’t know how to help you I’m really sorry for you. Nowadays I pray for you to be good luck in there, I’ll visit you soon. I’ll be here waiting for you. Meursault I know you a guy that doesn’t care other people much, but I hope this will teach you some knowledge. You don’t want to care other people, but at least you should care yourself or else you will be like this again. And I’m sure that you don’t want to go into jail again right? I love you so much Meursault and really miss you, and hope to see you soon.

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Map – Siddhartha’s Journey

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All the 5 story Oedipus Rex, The Inferno, Siddhartha, The Stranger, and The Tempest. These 5 main characters they have all went out for the adventure and have a new experience. These 5 stories have many differences themes for Oedipus Rex is fate, The Stranger is absurdism, The Inferno is punishment, Siddhartha is enlightenment, and The Tempest is revenge.

            First, The Inferno was about what people did wrong they will go to hell, and it have differences types of hell which depend on what you did and how bad it is. In this story the main character, Date went to hell and took an adventure in the hell. He had learned a lot of things and he also knew that the most powerful punishment was people who betray their master will get the most powerful punishment. This related to real life that when people did something wrong they always get punishment. In the real life for example when you betray your parents, that's very bad kid because parents were gave born to you, and took care when your were young, also they value our life over their own life. Therefore you never ever betray your own parents. This is an example that sometimes happens in our world.

            Second, Oedipus Rex was about a king who suddenly killed his own father and marries to his window mother. This story was most about fate, fate is something that you can't control or change it you just have to go with it. The king who said have to find the killer of his father and punish them. In the end he found out that he is the one who is the killer, then he got punish by poke his eyes out and then he is blind. Fate is already given path and everything for you it can't change, also can't control. Which also related to the story "The Inferno," who did bad will always get punishment. 
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            Third, The Tempest, this story was about the revenge of Prospero, he wanted to revenge his brother, Antonio, because his brother overthrows, which make Prospero, feel angry and wanted to revenge back on his brother. Prospero was live on the island which also make Caliban became his slave. Ariel who was helping Prospero to do anything and he command because Prospero promises that he will release Ariel after he finish task. King Alonso and his crew had taken a journey on Prospero’s island, which also related to other story.

            Fourth, Siddhartha, in this story is about Siddhartha who was leave his hometown and his family to take a journey and follow his own path. Siddhartha had taken a journey with Samanas and his friend, Govinda during the journey they had met Buddha who was already enlighten, so Govinda wanted to stay with Buddha and follow him, but not Siddhartha, because he wanted to find his own path. After that he continued took a journey. In the end of the story he stop at river and got an enlighten, because he had know what he like and what he want, that’s why he stop the journey. This story mostly about Siddhartha’s journey and try to find what he like, and it related to the story The Inferno because both of this story were about taking a journey, and learn new thing.
            Fifth, The Stranger, this story is about a guy name Meursault who don’t care other people even him, and have no feeling on anything, even his own mother’s funeral. Meursault doesn’t care his career, doesn’t care person who love and want to marry with him. After that he also had killed the Arabs and after that the court decided to bring him into jail. During he is in the jail, he had change a bit, but still doesn’t care other people.
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            Lastly, as I said those 5 stories have some related on each other, all the main characters, and the plot of the stories, and those 5 stories were different author. As I said those 5 stories have different theme, Oedipus Rex is fate, The Stranger is absurdism, The Inferno is punishment, Siddhartha is enlightenment, and The Tempest is revenge.
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Work Sites
"Dante's Inferno - Main Page." Dante's Inferno - Main Page. Web. 27 May 2012. <>.
"The Life of the Buddha." The Life of the Buddha. Web. 27 May 2012. <>.BBC News. BBC. Web. 27 May 2012. <>.


  1. Hi John,
    Holy dude, you did all of this by yourself??? Wow you are sure a philosophy of the year. Hey your arrangement are all well organized and neat. Your preface are long enough to blow my mind and keep me reading the whole project. The map of the Siddhartha's Journey is very cool and it is very colorful. You know what? I love the font of the letter the most because it makes me to feel that it is a letter. Overall is good, but you have to fix your citation

  2. I like your Siddhartha's Jouney map, interesting!
    However, i think that you might need more information or explanation in the essay, the readers might want to know more or understand about it. Nicely well done! i see your effort !

  3. I really like your postcard and map! They are so cute and colorful! It would be even better if you share it in a bigger size so I can read what you wrote on them. I also like your letter fonts. It's very interesting how you make the font like a handwritten one; very unique! It really impresses me how you write a poem by yourself; you improve a lot, dude! I never thought you'd did this good on the project. Congrats!
    However, you should fix the format of your works cited. This way nobody could know what your works cited it. Also, you should move your page number to the side, because this way it really interupts your long writings. Anyways, you did a really good job here, John! This is a worthy payoff for your sleepless night! Yayy~
